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1. 2nd/3rd grade: A student who becomes 9 years old on or before July 31, 2020 must play in the senior tackle. 

2. Lineman are required to wear numbers 50-79.

3.  A child who is 9 years old and weighs more than 160 pounds may not play in the Junior Division, but may elect to play in the Senior Tackle Division.

4. Defenders cannot lineup over the center or make contact with the center until after the snap is completed. Defenders cannot lineup in the “A Gaps.” Defenders can lineup in the “B or C Gaps.” Defensive Ends must align their inside shoulder with the TE’s outside shoulder to rush the edge. If the offense choose to have a WR rather than a TE, the DE must align their inside shoulder with the outside shoulder of the offensive tackle. There will not be any ghost man rushers on defense.

5. QB sneaks are not allowed behind the center or in the “A Gaps” if the QB is receiving the snap from under center. QB must be 3 or more yards from the line of scrimmage to advance the ball behind the center or in the “A Gaps.” PENALTY: First infraction: Replay down with warning. Second infraction: 10 yard penalty from LOS.

6. No blitzing from any position (rushed by DT and DE not considered a blitz.) On defense, no more than 6 players are allowed on the line of scrimmage.  All other defensive players cannot be closer than 3 yards of the line of scrimmage.  LB or DBs lined up inside of three yards of line of scrimmage at snap shall be penalized for encroachment after one warning.  Officials should verbally advise players who are lined up too close before snap.

7. Conversions: 1 point awarded for a run or pass after a TD from the 3 yard line. 2 points awarded for a conversion from the 10 yard line.

8. Dead Punt rule: When a team chooses to punt, a 30-yard punt will be awarded. Punts cannot go inside the 20-yard line of the receiving team. 

9. Each team will begin from their own 40.

10. Four (8) minute quarters with (10) minute halftime.

11. No player 100 lbs. or more in "stripped weight" may advance the football on offense or defense or line up at any position eligible to catch a pass, including quarterback, any running back position, tight end, or wide receiver.  "Stripped weight” is defined as minimum of athletic shorts.  In the event an overweight player recovers a kick or fumble or intercepts a pass, the ball will be dead at the spot recovered.  If an overweight player lines up at an eligible position the team will be assessed a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty marked from the line of scrimmage.  Weight will be determined prior to the draft during the first week of conditioning and will be verified by 2 board members.  If a player is not present during conditioning, player must be weighted prior to practicing.  All players weighing over the maximum weight shall be assigned a number 50-79.

12. Center cannot advance the ball.

13. 35 second play clock - official will provide 10 second warning.

14. Two authorized coaches are allowed on the field behind his/her team.  The coach on the field shall not move from this position after the snap of the ball except to avoid interfering with the play. Intentional violation of this rule will result in an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.

15. No team may begin practice in full pads until every team in the division receives full pads for all players and League President advises all teams to begin practice in full pads.  A violation of this will result in coaching sanction and a willful violation will result in expulsion from MCYFL.

16. Each player shall play no less than nine (9) plays per game. If a player has an unexcused absence during the week's practice, that number may be reduced to four (4) plays. An unexcused absence includes, but not limited to, failure to contact the coach with an acceptable excuse (illness, injury, funeral, etc.), which is up the coach's discretion.

17. Overtime:

•Home team will call the coin flip. Winner of the coin flip decides offense or defense. A complete series will be played, with 4 downs to score from the 10 yard line. There will also be a conversion attempt from the 3 yard line for one point, or 2 points from the 7.

•If a tie remains after the first series, the teams will reverse order or possession and play an additional series.

•If a tie remains after the second series, a second coin flip will take place, with the visiting team making the call.

•Each team will have a series to score. This time, the conversion must be attempted from the 7 yard line for the remainder of the overtime.

•If a tie remains after the third period, the process repeats itself, alternating coin toss calls.  The game will not end in a tie.

18. Mercy Rule

•If a team is down by more than 25 points, they will be awarded possession of the ball at their opponent’s 40 yard line and play will continue from that location. If the team down by more than 25 points scores or fails to score the LEADING TEAM will be awarded the ball at their own 40 yard this format will continue until game ends. If leading team scores points will banked and only shown on scoreboard if team down scores. The score will never reflect more than 25 point lead.

•Every touchdown will be followed by a PAT attempt regardless of score.

•Turnovers forced by the either opponent can be advanced by eligible players.

•There will be a continuous clock for the remainder of the game including PAT attempts.

19. Sideline / Coaches Warning

•A coach, or coaches on his or her sideline, will receive one warning from the officials for any behavior that is deemed unsportsmanlike.

•there will be no second warning. Any additional unsportsmanlike behavior will result in a 15 yard penalty, and

â—¦If it is a particular coach’s second infraction in the game: Ejection

â—¦If it is a coaching staff's second infraction, and although a different coach, the Head Coach will be ejected.

•It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to maintain discipline of their staff.

20. Season End Tie Breaker System

•1st Tie Breaker: Head to head regular season game

•2nd Tie Breaker: Coin Flip

21. Non-Support for Games

22. Unsportsmanlike Conduct From Fans

•Should any team's fan base display unsportsmanlike conduct (i.e., threatening officials; obscene gestures; verbal abuse directed to officials, coaches, players, other fans; excessively disruptive conduct of any kind; etc.); the appropriate team will receive one warning (as well as the fan base). After the warning, the appropriate team will be penalized 15 yards for each instance of unsportsmanlike conduct.

•There will be no warnings for any fan who steps onto the field.

•If necessary, the game will be delayed while individuals are removed from the playing area.

23. Communication Devices Not Permitted

•No team at any level may use any type of audio, written, typed or any other type of communication device during their game.  This includes but is not limited to: walkie talkies, headsets, cell phones (including to text message) or any other handheld electronic device.

•Any knowing violation of this rule may lead to dismissal from the league for the Head Coach and other violators at the discretion of the MCYFL Board.

24. Coaches Must Be on the Sidelines

•All team coaches must be on the sideline except in Flag and Junior division where a coach or coaches who have completed a volunteer application and background check is/are allowed on the field.

•No coach is permitted to watch/scout/call plays/make adjustments from the stands, or any area on the field except their sidelines.

25. Horse Collar Tackles

•Tackling from behind by grabbing the shoulder pads or inside the jersey directly behind the neck is not permitted. A horse collar tackle results in a 15 yard Personal Foul penalty.

26. Misconduct Penalties

•This applies to Parents, Coaches, Players, Fans and Players

•The MCYFL shall review all conduct violations and at its sole discretion may issue a warning or suspend or expel and individual or individuals from the MCYFL.

•Coaches may be responsible for failure to control their coaching staffs, family members and members of household.

•If any individual is ejected from an MCYFL event for any reason, and refuses to timely leave the premises, or does so in a disorderly manner, that individual will be subject to permanent expulsion from the MCYFL at the discretion of the MCYFL Board.

27. Noise Makers

•Noise makers are banned from the MCYFL events including but not limited to the following:

â—¦Cow Bells


â—¦Air Horns



â—¦Musical Instrument

•If a coach or team is having an issue with a noise maker not listed above, he/she has the authority to ask the official to address the crowd and have the noise maker silenced.

•One warning will be given, and then an unsportsmanlike penalty will be issued to the violating team.

28. Home and Away

•The Home team will be on the side of the field with the hill. Away team will be on the Press Box side. Refer to schedule.

•Fans may sit where they like, but it is recommended that the Home team fans sit on the left side (when facing the field) and Visitors on the Right Side.

•Teams may film or take pictures from either side of the field to compensate for sunlight issues.

•The Highest seeded playoff team has their choice of which sideline they would like. Refer to tiebreaker.

29. Filming and Practice Observation Restrictions

•Filming other teams' games or scrimmages in which your team is not involved is prohibited. Filming another team's practice is also prohibited. Teams shall not intentionally "spy" on another team's practice.

•Violators may be permanently banned from MCYFL without issuance of a warning.

30. Trick Plays

•Trick plays involving deceit unnatural to the game are not permitted. 

•Football plays in which possession of the ball is concealed remain legal: reverses, flea flickers, statue of liberty, bootlegs, direct snaps, etc.

31. Snap Procedure

•All snaps must be between the center's legs.

•Once the center addresses the ball, he may not release it until it is snapped or it shall constitute a false start.

•The ball must remain parallel to the sidelines until it is snapped.  IF the ball is turned before it is snapped it shall constitute a false start.

32. Unnecessary Roughness

•Player safety is of utmost importance.

•Sportsmanship is a core value of MCYFL.

•Players who punch, pinch, bite, hit, kick or otherwise seek to intentionally cause harm to other players shall be subject to an unnecessary roughness penalty and, at the officials' discretion, may be ejected.

•Hits made behind plays that clearly serve no benefit to the team are illegal - particularly blind side hits. Players who seek out opponents to intentionally hurt players shall be assessed an unnecessary roughness penalty and may, if the play is clearly egregious, be ejected.

•Repeated violations may result in league expulsion at the discretion of the MCYFL Board.

•Coaches whose teams engage in the above noted conduct are subject to expulsion from the league at MCYFL discretion.

33. Low Blocking

•Low blocks are permitted only within the tackle box.

•All low blocks must be initiated above the knee.

•When a player is being low blocked, no other player may block that same player, high or low, or it shall be considered a chop block.

34. Consequences or Ejection

•Any player ejected from a game shall not play in the team's following game and will be subject to review by the MCYFL board for further action.

•Any coach ejected from a game shall be subject to MCYFL board to review whether further action is warranted.


  • Any rules not listed will follow standard KHSAA football rules.

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